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Introduction of GATAFORNIA family

KENYU yamazaki ヤマザキケンユウ


新潟の人気サロン「Hurrah」、「Hurrah And Things」のマネージャー。新潟だけではなく全国に活躍の場を広げるトップスタイリスト。仕事や家庭でどんなに疲れていても、苦しくても、辛くても時間を作ってサーフィンを楽しむストイックな男。「GATAFORNIA」の名付け親。


The manager of「Hurrah」and「Hurrah  And Things」, one of the famous hair salons in Niigata. He is an incredibly talented hair stylist and constantly seeks in expanding his skills not only in Niigata but also throughout Japan! Though stress in daily living may wear him down, he never fails to invest in his favourite activity-surfing. He is persistent and determined but fun loving at the same time. 

*We call him the godfather of 「GATAFORNIA」. 

TARO koyama 小山太郎

新潟のデザイン会社「TEXFARM INC.」でエディターだったり、ディレクターだったり、プロデューサーだったり、カメラマンだったり何でもする男。周りの友人に助けられながら、自分のペースでサーフィンを楽しむ。「GATAFORNIA」のフォトグラファー&ディレクター&プロデューサー&デザイナー。


Taro is the director,editor&photographer in Design Company, 「TEXFARM INC. 」He enjoys surfing too at his pace with encouragement from his friends’ help and support. *Taro is an all-rounder, a talented photographer, director, producer and designer of 「GATAFORNIA」

Shozzy 東海林渉

新潟のフォトスタジオ「Takizawa Photo Works」所属のフォトグラファー。風景やライフスタイルを捉えた、ニュアンスのある写真が得意。愛娘の撮影、サーフィン、スケートボードの撮影をライフワークとする。「GATAFORNIA」のメインフォトグラファー。


A photographer at「Takizawa Photo Works」photo studio in Niigata. Wataru is extremely gifted in photography concerning landscapes or lifestyle, as he is able to capture THE moment. He is passionate and loving, and this is demonstrated through his works in taking photos of his beloved daughter, surfing and skateboarding. *He is a chief photographer of「GATAFORNIA」

JUNJI hashimoto タロウ

2014年9月ホノルルへ移住し「JAMES AFTER BEACH CLUB」に勤務。伝説のBAR「CLUB HALLELUJAH」の元オーナー。音楽と映画と酒とサーフィンをこよなく愛す 。「GATAFORNIA」の助言役&イラストレーター。


he has been working at 「JAMES AFTER BEACH CLUB」. He was a former owner of 「CLUB HALLELUJAH」where is known as the legendary bar in Niigata. He is passionate about music, movies and surfing, and he LOVES a drink. He is an advisor and illustrator at「GATAFORNIA」.

MASAHIRO maruyama 丸山正博





 Masahiro is a buyer and the sales manager at 「JAMES」a renowned multi-brand shop in Higashibori Chuo-ku Niigata-city. With an extensive and deep knowledge of fashion, he is promoting GATAFORNIA. In Niigata he is known as a mature and stylish surfer who likes to have fun, especially enjoying long board surfing.

JUNICHI yamada 山田純一



Junichi is one of the top surfers in Niigata, having participated in a great number championship events. Now 37 years old, he remains active in the field and is still participating in a variety of competitions. Extensive and on-going commuting to Bali over the past 10 years enhances his international and professional reputation. He is a keen supporter of 「GATAFORNIA」and has a broad knowledge of working in the apparel industry, with an in-depth knowledge gained as a veritable surfing guru*

DAISUKE sato fuse 佐藤大介

新潟市の人気イタリアンレストラン「LIFE」の店長。長年アパレル業界に勤めていたこともあり、ファッションの知識、人脈も豊か。サーフィン歴は短いが誰とでもすぐに打ち解ける懐の広さで「GATAFORNIA」をサポート。愛車はHARLEY DAVIDSON FXRS。二人の女の子を持つ父親。


He is the manager of "LIFE" which is a very popular Italian restaurant in Niigata city. With the long-term experience in an apparel industry, he has established both the knowledge of fashion and the powerful connections. Although he has a less experience for surfing in comparison with other team members, he supports 「GATAFORNIA」together with his broad-minded personality. His beloved car is HARLEY DAVIDSON FXRS. Furthermore, he is a father who has two daughters.

Special thanks!

AYUMI watanabe  ゆち




She is currently studying in Malaysia with her husband, with a goal of achieving their life target - migrating to Australia. The English version of the「GATAFORNIA」website wouldn't exist without her help doing translations. She is a translator at 「GATAFORNIA」.

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